A Year in Art (2023)

I spent January-March of 2024 going through all my non-video work from the last year and compiling it into an insane, almost 400 page portfolio book. Since a PDF of that size would take ages to load, I've separated each section into its own page and PDF to hopefully get people closer to what they're interested in seeing. Enjoy!

A bit more than you cared to know about me (and this project).

I completed and published two short horror stories this past October. Instagram isn't an ideal place for that much text, however, so I was glad to have a home for them here.  

I do a lot of digital work, but analog skills are important to keep sharp, too.

These misadventures in the more technical side of creative expression were true tests of my learning capabilities.

This was my second Inktober, so I wanted to outdo myself. That meant more imagery and more haikus.

If you're here to geek out, this is the place to do it! *Stefan voice* "This mythos has everything..." magic gold, multiple earth-shattering calamities, and salt tigers! From the text to the art, this is by far where I sank most of my time in this project.

"Epoch" is an older worldbuilding project  that's getting rehabilitated after years in cold storage.  Although it got its start as a tabletop strategy game, it evolved into something even nerdier. What's a baby birch tree goddess to do in an ailing musical world plagued by a sinister substance called Salt?

My mom was always my biggest fan, and she'd have really cherished something like this. Unfortunately, we lost her in March 2023, and it's been a difficult year finding the same sense of motivation in her absence. This project is dedicated to her and her memory.

There was an overflow of material from this year that I didn't want to pad with even more verbiage (just kidding, there is a little more), so the remaining pages are a gallery of additional work.